A student being registered for an Instrumental Audition must be registered by his/her qualifying school Instrumental Director.
Each Audition Registration may only be submitted by the student’s school music director. A wind, percussion or string applicant must be a member of his/her school band, orchestra or jazz ensemble, following NYSSMA Guidelines (minimum 50% of the time participation). A choral applicant must be a member of his/her school chorus, following NYSSMA Guidelines (minimum 50% of the time participation). A student applicant must be a member in good standing of his/her corresponding instrument/choral performing ensemble at the time of the audition and at the time of the applicant’s membership in the All-County ensemble. A student’s school, to be qualified, must have paid the ECMEA District Participation Fee for the current school year. guideline #1 must be satisfied before moving to guideline #2 etc.
The following is in hierarchical order, i.e. The following guidelines delineate the responsibilities of the music educator who wishes to engage in festival participation. P ARTICIPATION POLICY FOR ECMEA ALL-COUNTY FESTIVALSĮCMEA has an established contract with its respective member districts, and therefore, each district’s music teachers, regarding school participation.